Healthy Mini Air Fryer Pizza’s

These are a fast, easy, and healthy alternative to pizza with lots of protein.


2 Warburton’s Thins ⁣
2 tbsp tomato paste ⁣
125g (1 ball) light fresh mozzarella ⁣
2 slices of ham ⁣
Basil ⁣
Rocket/arugula ⁣
Mixed/Italian herb seasoning ⁣
Chili flakes ⁣
Salt + pepper⁣


1. Spread tomato paste onto Thins ⁣
2. Slice mozzarella + ham and put on top ⁣
3. Season with herb seasoning, chili flakes, salt + pepper ⁣
4. Put 2 slices at a time in the air fryer for 5 mins each time or until mozzarella gets melty ⁣
5. Top with torn basil and rocket & enjoy your low cal 🍕⁣

  1. *makes 1 serving- 2 thins topped

    *460 kcal/serving |39g protein | 49g carbs | 12g fat (all macros are approximated using My Fitness Pal)⠀


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