2-Ingredient Salsa Chicken Thighs

Did you know salsa was first created by the ancient Inca, Mayan, and Aztec people? When I backpacked South America I noticed that every restaurant and household had their own recipe which made tasting each one a real treat!

Did you know salsa was first created by the ancient Inca, Mayan, and Aztec people? When I backpacked South America I noticed that every restaurant and household had their own recipe which made tasting each one a real treat!


  • 640g chicken thighs (or breasts)

  • 300g jar of salsa of choice- I love Gran Luchito’s smoky chipotle one


  1. Turn your slow cooker onto low and add chicken thighs and salsa

  2. Cook for 4 hours, or until no clear bits are left and chicken is cooked through

  3. Serve as desired! In tacos, with rice/cauliflower rice, on a salad the next day…the possibilities are endless!

    *makes 6 servings

    *160 kcal/serving |20g protein | 3g carbs | 8g fat (all macros are approximated using My Fitness Pal)⠀⠀


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