Spicy Chicken Arrabiata Sauce

This one pan sauce is super easy and packed with nutrients. The chicken adds lots of protein.


700 g cherry tomatoes ⁣
- 1 red or white onion ⁣
- 4+ cloves or garlic ⁣
- 3 tbsp olive oil ⁣
- 1/2 tbsp (or to taste) red pepper flakes ⁣
- 2 tbsp Italian herbs ⁣
- Salt + pepper⁣
- 600g raw chicken breast ⁣
- Handful of fresh basil ⁣
- 480g dry pasta ⁣


1. Add all ingredients except fresh basil to a try and bake for 30-40mins on 180C/350F⁣
2. Set aside chicken, add everything else on the pan and fresh basil to a blender and blend until relatively smooth. ⁣
3. Shred/cut the chicken and boil the pasta add with sauce to cooked pasta 🍝 ⁣

*makes 6 servings

*152 kcal/serving |42g protein | 64g carbs | 11g fat (all macros are approximated using My Fitness Pal)⠀


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